Price Rises and How to Avoid Them!
29th September 2017I have been writing an email to a customer in the Netherlands and had to delay sending it for over a week to wait for a an important piece of information I needed. In that time, we’d gone from 89p to the Euro to 92p.
We all know that it wasn’t long ago that it was 84p. I was amazed it took some of our suppliers so long but we know that some items and supplies will increase by 4% on 1st October. We expect more in the New Year and /or April
We’re thinking of ways round this.
For example, all current stock will be sold at pre-increase prices. Hires for 2018 can be at current 2017 prices if booked now. It would be very wise to book for Easter 2018 very soon in any case as pools are limited (see our last blog).