Baptismal Tanks

20th January 2014 0 By admin

What do these sunken baptistries look like?

We can make them to whatever shape and size you like (so long as you can get it through the door!) but there are two basic patterns that keep coming up – the Elim model pictured here is a one-piece baptismal with integral steps; the Jordan a two-piece with a baptistry tank and a separate step unit that gets fixed into place within the pool at installation. Either model is reinforced with timber ribs to make the tank strong enough to hold water on its own without loads of extra support needed at installation.

Sizes very but again, 3m long, 1.5 wide and 1.2m deep are recurrent sizes as they correspond with 10′ by 5′ by 4′, which many churches seem to want. As we make all the baptistries from a timber mould, we can easily change to suit your preferred sizes – bespoke is normal! And colour is easy as well – any solid colour (choose from the RAL website) or we can also do a cream stone effect or a black granite effect.

I shall leave drainage for another day!